Ross & Ellie are ethical vegans who met in Glasgow, Scotland while Ellie was a student studying abroad. Ross is from just outside of Glasgow, and Ellie who is from Maryland but was attending Glasgow University for a semester. During 2015 / 2016 they traveled to dozens of countries over 6-months while sharing their travel adventures and promoting veganism and compassion. They had an incredible adventure, getting to explore some of the most beautiful places in our world, while bringing light the issues animals are facing around the world. Their around the world trip began in Glasgow, Scotland on October 12th, 2015, returning back home on the 12th of April 2016. They explored Norway, the USA, Jamaica, Peru, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Austria, Italy, Belgium, and Iceland before returning home.

Ross & Ellie’s Vegan Travel Videos
Ross & Ellie are ethical vegans who met in Glasgow, Scot...
Vegan Travel in Oslo, Norway! Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross a...
Vegan in Bruges Ross and Ellie find themselves in Bruges, Be...
Animaux En Peril Animal Sanctuary in Belgium Ross and Ellie ...
Vegan in Florence, Italy! Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross and @...
Vegan in Vienna, Austria Join Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross a...
Accommodation Travel Tips Around the World Vegan Traveler El...
Vegan in Chiang Mai, Thailand! Ross & Ellie (@narwhalros...
Vegan Food in Bangkok, Thailand! Ross & Ellie (@narwhalr...
Vegan South Korea - Heart and Seoul! Ross & Ellie (@nar...
Vegan Japan Roundup! Vegan travelers Ross & Ellie (@narw...
Vegan in Tokyo, Japan! Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross and @uku...
Nara Deer Park, Japan Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross and @ukul...
Vegan Packing Tips Ellie (@ukulellie) goes over some of her ...
A Very Vegan Dunedin New Year! Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross ...
Vegan New Zealand Roundup! Vegan Travelers Ross and Ellie (@...
Helping You Help Animals Sanctuary in New Zealand! Ross and ...
A Very Vegan Dunedin New Year! Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross ...
Zealandia Animal Sanctuary in New Zealand! Ross and Ellie (@...
Vegan Tiramisu in New Zealand! Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross ...
A Vegan Day Out in Auckland! Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross an...
A Vegan Peru Reflection What's it like to travel around Peru...
Vegan Dining in Cusco, Peru Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross and...
Montego Bay Animal Haven Ross and Ellie (@narwhalross and @u...
A Kingston Reflection, Jamaica Follow along with Ellie and ...
Vegan Food Crawl of New York City Join Ross and Ellie (@narw...
Boston VegFest Vegan Traveler Video Ross and Ellie went to ...
Veggie Galaxy Boston, Massachusetts After dining at Veggie G...
Vegan Tour of Glasgow, Scotland! Ross & Ellie (@narwhalr...