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    Air New Zealand


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  1. ukulellie 8 years ago

    I knew from the second we took off that the food on this flight was going to be amazing. Air New Zealand is possibly the best company I’ve ever flown with. The vegan meal was COMPLETELY vegan, with no butter on the side or uneatable brownie. It was good, quality, delicious food and it wasn’t rice and beans! We even got a cereal bar at breakfast, something that I’d not had in a very very long time. Top the amazing vegan-friendly experience with the pages upon pages of in-flight entertainment and the fact that we were seated in a row with two free seats… I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the 13 hour flight to New Zealand was painless! I highly recommend this company!

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  2. narwhalross 8 years ago

    I was not looking forward to this flight at all. Thirteen hours after a seven hour layover, preceded by a five hour flight did not seem like a fun time at all. Air New Zealand, however, knocked it out of the park! The seats were comfortable, the snack and drink carts were frequent, the food was great. They did everything in their power to make a thirteen hour flight tolerable. There was a wide selection of films, tv shows, games, music, and audiobooks to occupy time with. If you are a fan of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings you will not go bored on this flight.On top of the complete movie collection (including the extended versions) there are documentaries on the foundations for Middle Earth and how they worked their way into the books and films. This is how I occupied much of my time.

    The food on this flight was the best aeroplane food I have had. Air New Zealand know how to do a vegan meal. On top of it being tasty and filling, it also didn’t come with the trademark tub of non-vegan butter that I could have started to make a collection from by this point. Little things like this added a lot to the overall experience.

    I am in New Zealand at the time of writing this review. As excited as I am for the time I am going to spend here, there is also a part of me excited by the knowledge that when it comes time to leave, we will be doing so with Air New Zealand again.

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