Salamis, Cyprus

Cypriot food is full of vegan options, for lunch and dinner we ate flat breads, beans, Cypriot bean salad, salads full of dark leafy greens, tomatoes, lentil soup, pomegranates, dates, oranges, warm bean stew, hummus, falafel, courgette and aubergine salads. For breakfast the hotels provided oats, muesli, bread, tahini and salad. Cyprus is full of Carob so when we stopped at markets we could feast on carob fruit, peanut brittle or pistachio brittle using carob, dried fruit and nuts.

We also found a lovely ice cream shop in Nicosia, Gelateria Gelatiamo Artisan that had all the fruit flavours as sorbets and even a dark chocolate sorbet that was amazing.

In Girne we found an American patisserie called Uncle Sam’s that had vegan cakes, we tried the apple pie and chocolate cake. The apple pie was warmed up and was the best one.

The tour company we went with took us around the Northern Cyprus sights. We started in Salamis to see the ancient Roman ruins, there you can find beautiful mosaics and tiles.

We also visited Nicosia, the capital city that is divided between the Turkish Cyprus and the Greek Cyprus, where you need your passport to pass through the border.

We travelled up the Northern peninsula (Kyrenia) and saw the beautiful coast line, although even here you can find evidence of plastic pollution.  We went to the Golden Beach and got to see wild donkeys. During the visit to Famagusta we went to see the ghost town of Varosha with fencing and signs all around the abandoned buildings. It is a ghost town due to the invasion of the Turkish Armed Forces in 1974.

Famagusta has very pretty Cypriot houses and roads. We also went to Bellapis Monastery that had beautiful houses and architecture.

One of the highlights was the St Hilarion crusader castle, the hike up to the very top is tough but definitely worth it for the sights, and the sign that you had made it to the peak.

The cats in Cyprus are everywhere as well, which I love and they were very friendly. Some of them even jumped onto my lap and slept.

  1. Vegan Travel 6 years ago

    Thanks for sharing your time Cyprus with our community. We would love to get back there! How warm was it this time of year?

    • Author
      Suzy Jones 6 years ago

      Thank you it was 18-22C, mostly sunny although it did rain the last two days in the afternoon. If it’s sunny it feels very warm!

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