Salut mes amis veganes!
In late March, I went on a two-day road trip with a friend in the province of Quebec. It may not have been the best time to go on a trip because of the heavy snow, but regardless, it was so much fun. We drove about 5 hours and stopped at four different cities. I was quite surprised to find many vegan options in these small towns because I really didn’t expect to come across any vegan bistros.
We left Montreal around 10 in the morning, and then drove for about an hour and a half. We didn’t want to stop, but had to, because we both needed to use the toilet… XD
Well, it was meant to be because we came across this lovely vegetarian bistro! Check it out 🙂
Olistik – 761 Boulevard Mercure, Drummondville

If I have a chance to go back there, I would definitely go with a hungry stomach so that I can try their bowls, and not just the desserts. (And the washroom was super clean and cute too)
The next destination for us was Riviere-du-Loup, which means “river of the wolf”. This city was about 5 hours away from Montreal, so by the time we got there, we were ready for dinner. Luckily, we were able to find a nice restaurant that was very very vegan friendly.
L’innocent – 460 Rue Lafontaine, Rivière-du-Loup
When we entered “L’innocent“, the waitress welcomed us with a smile. She spoke English very well, but when I expressed my wish to practice my French, she talked to me slowly and enunciated every word. She explained to me their vegan options and told me every ingredient that was used. After listening to a few of choices, I was recommended their buckwheat crepe, so that’s what I got, and I even added vegan cheese, which was amazing!

The portion was so big that I had to take half of it back..

The next day, we had to return to Montreal, but on the way back, we decided to stop by a few more places.
Instead of going to Quebec City, we took a different route and took a break at Levis, where you could see and enjoy the view of Quebec City. One city is across the river from another, so it’s easy to visit both cities in one day if you wanted to.

After a few hours of driving and some photo taking, of course, it was time for dinner already – which means time for vegan scavenging!
Just a few blocks away from the river was a nice vegan bistro. I had actually wanted to come to this place for many years, so I was really excited to check this off from my bucket list.
It was located in a quiet neighbourhood, making the whole trip really enjoyable.
Le Soixante 5 – 78 Cote du Passage, Levis

As always, all these new cities that I visit are truly serendipitous. The local vegan houses are not only top quality, but they also tell me that veganism is arising! I’m so excited for my next adventures and I can’t wait to share my experiences with you all!
Thank you for reading my entry and have a lovely vegan day!
“Ă–listik”, probably, is “holistic” in English or “holĂstico” in Portuguese. I think this word has the same origin in european languages.