Travelling to Goa, India!

Cody and Giselle (@codyk and @mindfulwanderlust) visit Bean Me Up in the Anjuna area of Goa, India and eat some of the best food on the trip so far.

Eating some not so great food in Agra finally catches up with Cody and he has to make a visit to the hospital.

Find more videos from Cody and Giselle here!

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Additional vegan travel videos from destinations in India:

Vegan travel blogs from destinations in India:

Vegan Epicenters of India

It’s not too much of a challenge finding vegan food in restaurants all over India – even egg is seen as non-veg to many vegetarians here, and it’s easy to inform the waiter that you can’t consume anything from the […]

Rishikesh Vegan Food Hunt

I spent a total of 5 weeks in Rishikesh, India. 4 weeks studying yoga at Siddhi Yoga and 1 week exploring and enjoying.  My favorite vegan spot in Rishikesh is The Eat Story. I’ll talk about this spot first.  The Eat […]

Eating vegan in Amritsar, India

Back in November 2017, we spent a really enjoyable few days in Amritsar. Not only did we enjoy the sights that the town has to offer (including the mesmerizing Golden Temple and the dramatic border ceremony) but we also got to […]

Top 5 places to eat vegan in Rishikesh, India

We spent almost 3 weeks in Rishikesh, North India, in September 2017. It’s a great place to be, by the holy river Ganges, surrounded by yoga classes, great restaurants, ashrams and the stunning Himalayan foothills. It’s a vegetarian town too, […]

The crazy world of India and avoiding their ghee obsession

Where to begin with India?! I had been wanting to go to India for a very long time, and finally we booked our trip (me and my boyfriend) for December. We visited Delhi, Agra, Taj Mahal, Jaipur and Varanasi. We […]

Explore Khimat

In the corner of a crowded Indian state lies Khimat – a village enriched with cultures of Gujarat and Rajasthan. It’s the most I’ve traveled to visit ancestral lands, and it seemed detached from western existence because of its tranquil […]

What if Meat Was Illegal?

At first I thought it was a just a legend. I had heard of it in a late night conversation with a fellow volunteer at an elephant sanctuary in rural Thailand. Somewhere in India, the story goes, is a city […]

Getting Delhi Belly in India

The joys of travelling. The new experiences, beach bumming, vibrant cultures, diversity, cheap hotels, and the food. Oh the food! But sometimes, it’s more like “ughhh the food”. Cody and I arrived in Delhi strong and healthy on October 13th. […]

Vegan Eats in India

India is a vegetarian paradise, and it can be a vegan paradise as well, it just takes slightly more effort to be sure your meals are plant based. Over 500 million Indians are vegetarian and vegan due to religious reasons, […]

How to Survive and Fall in Love with India

If you can travel through India, you can travel anywhere. At least we think so. India is staggering madness. It is raw, dirty, crowded, vibrant, mystical, stunning, and it bewitches me every time. We recommend that you have at least […]

The Best Vegan Food in Goa

After a few weeks exploring the busier parts of India, It was finally time to slow down in Goa. Cody and I had visited once before, but Goa is quite large, so we wanted to explore another part of this […]

Tips on Train Travel in India

India is a massive country. It’s so large that it is considered a subcontinent. There are 1.3 billion people, 22 official languages spoken throughout the country, and 9 different recognized religions practiced. If you don’t have a lot of time […]

Volunteering at Animal Aid Unlimited

A few years ago I stumbled upon several videos of severely injured animals being rescued by local heroes in India. Some of the videos were very graphic, and every single one was incredibly touching. It was so wonderful to see […]

Celebrating Diwali in Udaipur

Often referred to as the city of lakes, Udaipur is known as the centre for performing arts and crafts. We spent 7 days in Udaipur recovering from Delhi belly, volunteering at Animal Aid India, exploring the charming city, and celebrating […]

Visiting the Beautiful Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, a city about 3 hours away from Delhi by train and unless you plan on going to the Taj more than once during your stay, you really only need a night or 2 […]

The Golden Temple- A Place Where Everyone is Welcome

First I would like to begin with the values of Sikhism. Sikhs must believe in equality. No discrimination is allowed on the basis of creed, gender, race, caste, status, colour, education, etc. The principles of brotherhood and universal equality are […]

Our time spent in Leh, Ladakh

Ladakh (“land of high passes”) is an autonomous region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is surrounded by the Himalayas, and is one of the most sparsely populated regions in Jammu and Kashmir. Its history and culture are […]

Turning Vegan While Traveling the World

Hi everyone, I’m Rory, a 25-year-old French girl who left her “normal” life after studies and work to explore the world with her beard-man. I love analog photography, and even during a trip with no coming home planned, I’m still […] is a place where vegans from around the world can share their passion for travel and adventure, help promote and grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world. By sharing our collective experiences, we believe we can show the world how easy it is not only to travel as a vegan, but also spread a message of compassion with those we meet along the way.


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