Vegan Traveler Blog - Jenn - Vegan Travel

Jenn is a travel addict with an apartment that acts more like a closet in Vancouver, BC. Vegan for over a decade, she helps fund her travels with her ability to find great travel deals. Also follow the crazy Canadian around the globe at

Nashville, Vegan in the South

When someone says Nashville you usually think country music, not vegan food.  When I lived there (almost 10 years ago now)  it was definitely heavy on the former and light on the latter.  I recently went back to visit some […]

Un Séjour Vegan à Paris (A Vegan Sojourn in Paris)

I recently arrived in the Charles de Gaulle Airport ready to spend a few days exploring Paris.  I have visited the city quite a few times in the past, but it had been a while since I spent more than a […]

Mini-Vegan Tour of Vancouver

When you live somewhere, it’s very easy to get caught up in the little things and forget what a great place you live in.  The other day I met a friend downtown for lunch.  I don’t work downtown, and most […]

Planning a Whistler Getaway

Whistler is one of those places you have to see to really understand how spectacular it is.  I will admit that the fact I live quite close and am surrounded by the mountain views all the time makes me think […]

How to Visit Europe in a Weekend

Many people dream of long weeks, or even months, backpacking around Europe.  Sadly, that is not a possibility for many people.  As someone with a full time job and a travel addiction, balancing the two is a challenge; I squeeze […]

Musings from 36,000 ft

Sometimes there are moments when you travel when stuff just hits you. Running back and forth to another continent for a weekend is fun, but it can also be stressful. I’m not sure why, but on my recent flight back […]

To Helsinki and Back: the Party Ferry Edition

I have a serious travel addiction. It’s gotten to the point that the prospect of spending a whole week in one city while on vacation makes me start to twitch. I start looking for day trips, wine tasting tours, pretty […]

Flying to Europe with 5 Different Airlines

So I’ve got another crazy trip coming up! If you’ve known me for any amount of time, you would not find this shocking. The surprising part is that I’m actually spending a whole 6 days in Stockholm! I never spend […]

Exploring Newtown: the Vegan Friendly Sydney Suburb

I have mostly been exploring areas around Sydney since I got here: Blue Mountans, Hunter Valley, Manly. I finally took a weekend to explore a bit closer to the city, a suburb called Newtown.  It should really be called Vegantown. […]

Malaysia on one meal a day

First, let me clarify that I ate more than once a day, it was just a lot of snacking and coffee. This was due to a combination of not wanting to spend a lot of money, lacking of vegan options […]

First Impressions of living in Australia

So through a change in circumstance it turns out my holiday has turned into a temporary relocation to Sydney, Australia! After a bit of panic and a whole lot of emails, I got my work visa the day before I […]

Vegan Abundance in Singapore

I’ll admit that when I was planning to spend a few days in Singapore, I was not expecting to find a lot of vegan options. I had done some research and there were a few nice restaurants that kept popping […]

Vegan Food on Airplanes

Flying used to be an event in and of itself: you got dressed up, service was impeccable, it was pretty much a dinner party in the sky.  But those times are long gone… fast forward to today where you’re lucky […]

Why join a frequent flyer program?

I am a bit of a travel junkie, and if you pay any attention to the travel industry community and news, you’ll know it’s not uncommon to hear about the latest “devaluation” of program x or y; usually the program […] is a place where vegans from around the world can share their passion for travel and adventure, help promote and grow interest in going vegan, shed light on the issues animals are facing around the globe, and help build a more sustainable and compassionate world. By sharing our collective experiences, we believe we can show the world how easy it is not only to travel as a vegan, but also spread a message of compassion with those we meet along the way.

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