Italy Vegan Travel Guide

Italy Vegan Travel Blogs

Sardinia – 7 day travel guide (in a van)

Buongiorno a Tutti – Welcome to our 7 day Sardinia Travel Guide (in a van)! We have just spent a week on the lovely Italian island of Sardinia and wish to share the experience with you! The whole trip was […]

Vegan food in Italy: supermarkets

vegan food in an Italian supermarket   If you are visiting my country and you are worried about the food I just can tell you that finding vegan food in Italy is super easy and can also be surprisingly cheap, […]

Islands hopping in Venice: Murano, Burano, Torcello, Lido

Burano If you have the opportunity to spend a few days in Venice, don’t miss the chance to enjoy a day trip to the islands: it’s really easy to go to Murano, Burano, Torcello and Lido (also known as Venice’s […]

Eating vegan in Italy

vegan pizza in Italy If you’re visiting Italy you already know that it’s the temple of the best and oldest cuisine in the world. You will find a lot of vegetarian and vegan options in almost every restaurant and the […]

Family European Vacation, Italia Style

I did it. I survived a European vacation in Italy with six of my family members—none of whom are vegan! As someone who prefers solo travel, I’m definitely feeling the adjustment lately with recent group trips. Even with people I […]

Conscious Tourism in Venice

On arrival, the uniqueness of Venice hits you. It is a special place and you’ll be wowed by its magic. Dizzy yourself by winding through the alleyways, meandering along canals and posing on quaint bridges. Yes, it is all so romantic. This is Venice. The […]

Turin – Italy’s Vegan City

Ever since mayor Chiara Appendino pledged to make her city more vegan friendly, the city of Turin was at the top of my travel bucket list. Turin is a northern Italian city of the Piedmont region, which is often famed […]

Vegan Feasting at Train Stations

Train stations, airports, highways. Those in between places. The hours you spend waiting in travel purgatory. You really need something to look forward to. And that something is food. Waiting increases appetite (I’m sure that is a scientific fact). Early morning […]

Quick trip to Tuscany and Related Eats

I went for a weekend in the countryside of Tuscany, around Cetona and Amiata mountains, where wolves roam free again. Well, we had no signs of wolves even though we saw plenty of roe deers. Instead of enjoying wildlife though, […]

Flower Burger – Hippie burgers in Milan

Milan seems to be the black sheep of Italy. Yeah, no one seems to have anything positive to say about it. Nothing negative either, simply that it’s nowhere near as exciting as Rome and Florence (which totally blew us away […]

In Love With Italy!

Hi all! Welcome to Part 2/3 of our European Vegan Travel Blogs! This post is going to be very long so I apologise in advance. Italy was the country we spent most of our time in so we have much […]

Vegan Food & Sightseeing Tips in Italy- Rome, Naples, Padua

I have been to Italy a couple of times before, but my boyfriend has never been and hence this had to be rectified- you have to taste pizza and pasta in Italy at least once in your life! For his […]

A Day in Pompeii

Shae and I knew we had to make a stop in the ancient city of Pompeii while visiting Italy. In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted, covering the city in ash and preserving the ruins. What is left brings you back to […]

Our Visit to the Italian Horse Protection Association

I’d say when most people think about humans’ relationship with horses it seems quite good, and I do believe most horse owners have a positive and loving relationship with their horses. You would think of horses the way you think […]

Vegan in Italy: Our First Challenge

So far on our six-month around the world trip, Shae and I have found it pretty easy to find vegan food. Reykjavik, London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin: all very vegan friendly! We knew we would run into some challenges along […]

Exploring Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre translates in English to “five lands.” Cinque Terre is a city made up of five smaller towns along the rocky coast of the Italian Riviera. In each of the towns you will find colorful buildings and homes, heaps of stairs […]

48 Hours in Venice, Italy

I heard you only need a day or two to see Venice. You’ll get tired of all the tourists and it’s so small that you can finish all the sight-seeing in one day. We took that advice and had two […]

I’m In Rome!

Hello Vegan Travellers! I’m in Rome! Hopefully I managed to ramp up your excitement for this post by uploading enigmatic pictures of some ruins over the past few days… You probably sussed it after the first picture but ah well […]

Favourite places to eat in Italy

Our 6 nights in Italy felt more like a dream; albeit a very pleasant dream filled with an abundance of pizza, gelato and espresso, we would have preferred a much longer stay in a country known for their fresh and […]

Spending 3 days in Rome, Italy

Our ride arrived at 12:30pm and pulled up to the airport on time for check in for our flight to Rome via New Jersey. Cody walked up to the self check in machine, pulled out our passports, and started checking […]

Ellie’s Roundup – Europe!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! I know it’s been a while since you’ve read these beautiful words, but guess what? It is once again time for a famous Ellie Round-Up! “But Ellie!” you say, interrupting my blog quite rudely, “You’ve been in […]

Ciao Ciao, Italy!

Hey, Vegan Travellers! I am writing to you today from what I think might be a dream. I am in Italy. I have always wanted to be in Italy. I am almost not in Italy anymore. I will soon be […]

Italy! For a Little Bittaly…

It seemed for a while that we never should have left Prague. In order to fit our entire trip into a single travel day (as our travel days are finite on our rail passes) we were leaving Prague at 12:01 [...]

Roadtripping around Northern Italy

This is my first blog ever!!! This summer I was lucky enough to go traveling around central and northern Europe with a part sponsorship  by VeganTravel. We began in Italy :). We had already been in Italy a little while […]

Italy Vegan Travel Videos

The videos and blogs on this page were contributed by members of our vegan community who recently traveled in Europe and graciously shared their travel experiences. Follow your fellow vegan travelers as they explore Italy compassionately, meet local vegans and other vegan travelers, and share the amazing vegan food they find during their travels! They share the sites they visited, the places they stayed at, vegan shops they found, and the sites and activities they enjoyed during their time in Italy. Some also visit animal sanctuaries in the countries they travel to and kindly share the stories of the animals they meet. Join our vegan community and share your travel adventures with our global vegan community and collectively we can show the world how easy it is to be vegan and travel compassionately.

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