Italy Airports, Airlines, Trains, Buses, Etc.

Most of the transportation information below will be helpful to anyone, vegan or not. However, in addition to our needs to travel from one place to another, we vegan travelers have some additional travel requirements to take into consideration. We also like supporting those airlines, airports, stations and terminals (as well as the shops in them) that offer the most vegan-friendly options.

Vegan-friendly Airports, Train Stations, & Bus Terminals:

While it’s fairly easy for us vegans to bring vegan food and snacks with us on our journeys, sometimes our travels include lengthly stopovers in airports, train stations, and bus terminals. Additionally, delays are an unfortunate reality of travel, so it is helpful to know what vegan options are available while we await our departure. Direct travel options are oftentimes not available when we want to wander, so we find ourselves picking up connections along our way. Some airports, train stations, and bus terminals have loads of vegan food options, and a few even have all vegan restaurants in them, but the overwhelming majority offer minimal if any vegan dining options. The results on this page will grow in their helpfulness as our vegan community adds more tips and reviews to these listings. We humbly encourage you to get involved.

Vegan-friendly Airlines:

Most airlines offer vegan meals for their long haul flights, and a handful even offer vegan meals on their shorter flights as well. Some airlines refer to their vegan “special meal” as Strict Vegetarian, and use the meal code VGML. Sadly, the vegan meal that airlines provide is often bland, unimaginative, and has limited nutritional value. Despite this, there are some delightful exceptions – airlines whose catering services clearly get it, and prepare delicious and nutritional vegan meals for their customers. A few airlines will even let their vegan patrons request a tastier meal option such as their Asian Vegetarian meal, but with vegan customizations (they put notes for their departing airport caterer to confirm that they can make that meal vegan for us). With your help, and the help of our entire vegan community in reviewing the vegan-friendliness of airlines we have flown on, this page can truly reflect which airlines best deserve our business. Also, please see the following page for more vegan tips on air travel.

Our vegan community’s recommendations for transportation in Italy

    • 309686_266354636741516_1413443294_n

    Rome Leonardo da Vinci Airport (FCO)

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