Basic Info
My Name

Greg Wostrel

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About Me

I’m 55, husband and father. Love to travel and see new places (I’m probably overly partial to warm ocean locations). Unfortunately, most of my adult life travel has been related to work. Here in early 2017 my wife and I are on the cusp of children moving on (think a few months from now). The subsequent downsizing and relocating will allow us a lot more flexibility to travel, which we are tremendously excited about.

Professionally I am what people often call an “Art Director”. This means that I am involved in all sorts of commercial art such as: branding, marketing, presenting, selling, photographing, explaining etc. If you are interested in that part of my life you can find it here at LinkedIn and here at my website. In addition, I am also a NASM certified Personal Trainer. Wellness, fitness, athletics have been a passion my entire life. Therefore also becoming a vegan in June 2013 is a sort of culmination of that passion.

My goals now are to use all the skills I have picked up in the past years to spread the message of fitness, wellness, and the compassionate life. I want to share information, and encourage people, to help them embrace an thriving abundant life. I also want to use this skill and passion to bring awareness to the life threatening (in the biggest sense possible) issue of industrial animal agriculture and all that accompanies it. In this sense I have a huge debt to those individuals and organizations who have inspired me: Rich Roll, Colleen Patrick-Goodreau, Dr T. Colin Campbell,, nutrition etc

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