Thailand Animal Sanctuaries, Rescues, and Shelters

While we vegans all wish there wasn’t a need for animal sanctuaries, we are truly grateful for the compassionate work being done by so many people around the world to help animals in need. The animal sanctuaries, rescue centers, and shelters shown on this page are sorted based on reviews from your fellow vegans worldwide, and many are well worth your support. If you’re able to, consider visiting one or more of these animal care facilities, whether they are near home for you or if you happen upon one while you are traveling abroad.

Our goal is to provide a platform that truly respects and mirrors our collective vegan opinions and perspectives. As our global vegan community adds additional animal sanctuaries and care facilities, and as we review and rate our favorites, the resulting listings will continuously, and more accurately, reflect our favorite animal sanctuaries.

Our vegan community’s favorite Animal Sanctuaries in Thailand

    • 11654_1918238_10156341861570543_1300153028330665343_n

    Elephant Nature Park

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    BEES – Burm & Emily’s Elephant Sanctuary

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    Santisook Dog and Cat Rescue

    • PAWS-Bangkok

    PAWS Bangkok

    • Bodhi-Shelter-2

    Bodhi Animal Shelter & Clinic

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    Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary – BLES

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    Lanta Animal Welfare

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    WVS Care for Dogs

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